
Rant: Steaks Are Boring

That's right, I said it. Steaks are boring. They're monotonous, and I'm tired of them. I always used to say that there's nothing better than a perfectly cooked steak, but you know what? Everyone and their mother can cook a steak perfectly. It really doesn't take that much skill to press your thumb on a piece of meat. That's what she said.

The worst part about them is that after you're done, you feel like Jabba the Hutt, and you're a little lighter in the wallet because steaks are usually the priciest item on the menu. You can't even dress them up, because steaks are always worse with an accompaniment. The only thing that should really be on a steak is salt, pepper, and MAYBE butter. My friend's stupid cat can even do that.

My Friend's Cat Might Have The IQ Of Sand
But He Can Cook A Steak

1 comment:

Glory of the Family said...

Boo! Steaks are delicious. Not just anyone can age a steak, tenderize it, season it, and wrap it in bacon. Only the most talented of cats can.