
Smushed Smurf

"Ravage the land as never before!
Total destruction, from mountain to shore!"
- Gargamel, Smurf's theme song

Although food may be our passion here at battlefood, we certainly have no intention of ignoring a good cocktail...or two...or five. While searching through our photo archives, I happened upon one of the sillier (said with a lisp) drinks that we've attempted: the Smushed Smurf.

Now, I'm a sucker for a layered drink. Visually, there's nothing more impressive, aside from porn (I'm talking about food porn, of course). This particular drink has the added benefit of being a little depraved. We won't get into which smurf is actually being smushed; however, I think we can all agree that Brainy Smurf was definitely asking for it.

What you'll need:
- peach schnapps (or flavored vodka, if you're not a fan of schnapps)
- Bailey's Irish cream
- blue curacao
- grenadine

How you smush a hapless, cute, cuddly, tiny smurf:
1. Pour a couple shots of peach schnapps into a martini glass.
2. Pour half a shot of Bailey's Irish cream into the schnapps (this is presumably the white hat).
3. Now for the layering: carefully drizzle blue curacao over the back of a spoon and into the schnapps/Irish cream mixture. If done right, the blue curacao will be layered over top of the original mixture (this is the smurfy carcass).
4. Finally, pour some grenadine in a straight line through the middle of the glass. The grenadine will settle at the bottom of the glass in a third layer, but only after dragging some smurf guts with it (this is the smurf blood...I told you it was gruesome).

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